Thoughts on Making Disciples 6
With some motivation, we begin with non-Christians by praying. As we pray, it's important to ask God, "To whom have you sent me to share the Good News of Christ?"
Although it is true that God wants all to come to the saving knowledge of him, it's not helpful for me to think about everyone. A little exercise might help. The next time you get some time with God, grab pen and paper. Ask God, "To whom are you sending me?" And then jot down some names under three categories:
People in your life
People on your heart
People who inexplicably come to mind.
With the question, "To whom am I being sent?" this list might be a good place to start.
Once you have some idea of the people to whom you've been sent - it can be one person or thirty, depending on who you are - you need to make room for relationship with him/her/them. For many of us, this will likely mean disrupting the circle of relationships you enjoy. It can mean inviting others in, at the risk of changing the dynamics of the group. It can mean leaving a comfortable circle. Likely, some combination.
Jesus did all this. In love, he was sent; in love, he left THE holy community willingly. It wasn't always pretty: You unbelieving and perverse generation.. how long shall I stay with you and put up with you? (Funny... Luke 9:41 strangely encourages me), but a lot of it was: ... I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. John 15:15. If Jesus did all this, shouldn't we do the same?
It may read a bit mechanical, but played out in life, I love it! All three of the above categories are represented in this photo, relationships that have stretched as far back as 40 years and as recent as a handful of meetings. Friends, cousins, Christian, non-Christian. Lots of love.