Obstacles to Disciple Making Part 3
Okay, so we're looking at an ancient darkness, a corrupted cherub who is now as dark as he was once glorious. This evil leads a horde of spiritual forces bent on destroying anything good. To make matters worse, I can't see any of them. My mind trained to dismiss anything I can't see tells me it's embarrassing to even entertain such nonsensical thoughts. See the problem here?
It gets worse. A corrupt part of me, my flesh, shares a rebellious kinship with this ancient demon. Sadly, that part of me that I hate wants what he wants. It's a wonder how any of us are even alive.
Now, that's only the "tale of the tape." Punches haven't even been thrown yet. Let's take a look at some of those punches that we'll have to duck if we're going to stay committed to making disciples.
A big one is busyness. Our world loves to be busy. All the beautiful, happy people going anywhere are super busy. I know it's a problem when I feel self-conscious about saying, "Not much going on these days. Just chillin'." What a loser!
You know I'm not saying being busy is bad. You are skilled and responsible. This list is full of servants. Many of you are young parents. Three kids under six is a circus. Busyness in itself is not the problem. The problem is when the busyness keeps you from doing God's will.
When we planted some vegetables in a raised garden bed a few years ago, I learned you have to space them out. Initially, the space between the plants appear wasted. In time, the space is filled by the growing veggies that extend their roots and stretch out their branches/vines.
Without the discipline of leaving open spaces in your life, you'll likely not have room for deepening relationships through which the Gospel of Jesus bears fruit.
Take a look at your schedule. Look for things you can trim or things you can combine. Make room and let God fill those spaces in your life.